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I lost my password

Forgot your password? No sweat! Create a new one with this easy guide.

The Amega Geek avatar
Written by The Amega Geek
Updated over 6 months ago

We've all been there; that super-secure and complicated password you created just happened to slip your mind. Don't worry, because the Forgot Password button is here to save the day!

How to reset your password:

  1. Visit our website and click on the Sign in button.

  2. Click on Forgot Password.

  3. Enter your registered email in the Email address field, and complete the captcha below.

  4. A forgot password email will be sent to your registered email account.

  5. Go to your inbox, open the email and click on the green Enter New Password button.

  6. Enter your new password in the provided field, confirm it below and press Continue.

Well done! You got a brand new shiny password, and you can pick up exactly where you left off!


Make sure your new password is at least 8 characters long and includes at least:

  • One upper case Latin character

  • One lower case Latin Character

  • One digit

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